08 January 2018

2017 Year Review

Welcome back!

This past year has been one of many ups and downs. It's definitely a year that I'm going to remember. There are definitely goals that I've met as well as those that I have fallen short of achieving and that's okay. Looking back at my goals of the start of the year from my post "Cheers to a Good Year", I can take inspiration on looking forward into the new year.

On the top of my list was "Taking Control of My Anxiety". I feel as though I've made great progress when it comes to that. This past year thankfully wasn't as bad with my anxiety - despite it creeping up on me every once in a while. It started to get tough around May and I decided to take the first step into letting out those emotions that I had.  I decided to go to counseling for it. One thing I'm adamant about is not going on medication. Please don't get me wrong, I know medication can really help people and have definitely benefited the lives of people I know personally. I just don't think it was the right choice for me. Regardless, just being able to talk about how I'm feeling when I get panic attacks has absolutely helped me a lot. It's also encouraging when you're letting it out, and feel as though that person understands exactly what you mean. Not like you're mental for thinking the way you do. Counseling has boosted my way of thinking and from it, I've had less anxiety this past year.

(Free Stock Photo Source: Stock Snap)

Globetrotter in the making.

The beginning of the year I said that I wanted this year to be the first of my traveling adventures. That was something I've certainly succeeded on. This past July, I spent a week in England. It was my long awaited goal that I've finally checked off the bucket list. I went for a week and spent most the time in London and about a day and a half in Worcester. I mostly went to meet up with my closest friends. In the process, I met up with my best blogging friend Katie from K.F. Pestell. She had taken the train to London to meet up with me and we spent the day around the city. I'm just going to quickly add, she's amazing. It was like we were just catching up from seeing each other the week before, not meeting for the first time. I loved it and I can't wait to hang out with her again in the future! I then spent time with my other friends and we spent three days at the Hyper Japan Festival down in Wapping before heading up to Worcester. One thing I love about the country is how much history there is. I've always been really interested in the English history, so to walk about the place and learn just a bit more was the best. I'm really glad I was able to face some fears and start my wanderlust journey.

 Code Word: Blogger

One goal I've certainly not kept up with was blogging. This past year wasn't my best with blogging but I'm hoping to change that for the new year. I'm going to ease myself back into the blogging game again and even try to be more social on my twitter to join chats with my fellow bloggers. One thing I'll be weary of is sticking to a schedule. I know that's probably the best thing you can do with your blog but I don't want to stress out and put out posts that I don't love.

I spoke in my "Cheers to a Good Year" post about wanting to finally meet up with some of my best time blogging friends and this summer I was actually able to meet two out of the three of them! As I said before, (and to be honest, I won't ever get tired of saying it!) I met up with my love Katie in London. When I got back home, I was also lucky enough to meet up with Jen from Beauty Life Mom. She and I live a couple states away from each other but she and her family was traveling up through southern New England and was passing by my state before they headed home so I was so excited when we were able to make plans to have lunch before their long journey home! Jen is another person that it felt like we were just catching up instead of meeting for the first time. And, might I add, she is hilarious. Hopefully this time I can take the trip down and hang out with her more.
I may not have been able to meet up with Srna this year but because of her beautiful wedding, she was able to move from being 6 hour difference away in Brussels, Belgium to being 1 hour time difference in the SAME COUNTRY! Unfortunately, it's not like I can drive over her place and have a chat but we do have our FaceTime dates that definitely help. I know we'll meet up soon enough and I literally can't wait.

I feel as though 2017 was a good year over all and definitely the year of many new things. I feel it was a pivotal year that's helped open my eyes to many things. It certainly has had it's fair share of ups and downs but it might be one for the books that I will never forget.

2017 has definitely shaped how I'd like to be in 2018.
So to that, I say,
Cheers to a New Year!


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